The AQUA Buoy is a rugged, single person deployable buoy that can be customised to suit a wide range of water quality sensors offered by the Aqualab Scientific range water quality multiprobes, such as Eureka and Hydrolab.
Aqua Buoy: Water Quality Multiprobes
Available parameters are shown below.
• Temperature (Temp)
• Conductivity (EC)
• pH
• Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP)
• Dissolved Oxygen (LDO)
• Turbidity (Turb)
• Blue Green Algae (fresh water)
• Blue Green Algae (salt water)
• Chlorophyll a
• Chlorophyll red
• Crude Oil
• Eosin
• Fluorescein
• Optical Brighteners
• Refined Fuels
• Rhodamine
• Tryptophan
• Carbon dioxide
• Methane
• Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
Aqua Buoy: Telemetry
Designed for deployment in lakes, rivers, estuaries, harbours and sheltered coastal areas, the Aqua Buoy features an in-built, IP68 sealed, XLink datalogger capable of 4G cellular & iridium satellite telemetry, providing users with real time data.
AQUA Buoy is constructed with marine grade materials. It includes a rugged fibre exterior, reinforced with a marine grade polyurethane inner core and is tough enough for long term marine deployments.
Aqua Buoy: Standard Package
The standard package includes:
• AQUA Buoy (single person deployable).
• Solar panels (4 x 5 watts).
• Water quality multiprobe (parameters of your choice).
• IP68 sealed X-Link Datalogger.
Aqualab Scientific proudly offers a complete system integration service by combining worldclass hardware from manufacturers such as Eureka, Hydrolab & Sutron. Intuitive software and trustworthy security & networking platforms are further customised allowing Aqualab create dependable remote monitoring solutions for the most challenging applications. Discuss with your system requirements with Aqualab today!
Solar Power
Addition power supply for the water quality meter & datalogger.Telemetry
Sonde & datalogger are two way programmable.Access to the Sonde
Aqua-Buoy does not have to be opened in order to download data.One Stop Shop
Aqualab works closely with every customer to provide a fully integrated system. - Specs
- Models
This is a customised product developed for individual customer requirements.
Available models include:
Aqua-Bouy (to be customised)
Product number# 999
Aqua-Bouy (to be customised)
- Downloads
Brochures Aqua Multiprobe Brochure
Aqua-Multiprobe-Brochure-small-1.pdfDownload now Sutron X-Link Datalogger Brochure (AUS)
Sutron-X-Link-Datalogger-Brochure-AUS.pdfDownload now